20 November, 2008

Nobody tagged me, but I saw this on someone else's blog and thought it would be a fun little post that I don't have to be too creative with. Not a lot of time this week, but this looks fun. Here you go:

10 years ago I was:
I was a freshman in college and begging my family to let me move away to Salt Lake City with my big sis, Heidi. I wanted to get away from an old boyfriend sooooo bad!!! I think I was working at Great American Video, which I was fired from a few weeks later for deciding to go on a trip to Tokyo, Japan over the Christmas holiday rather than staying and working for them. Who knew that honesty wasn't the best policy in the moving renting business? I should've just told them I wasn't going anymore and then quit the week before, I guess. Uh, I was still actively mormon... although also actively avoiding going. Ten years ago, I was very confused, very frustrated, and starting a part of my life that would change who I am and who I thought I was FOREVER.

5 things on my to do list today:
Spray paint my wood letters and frames
Drink Coffee
Start sewing projects
Drink more Coffee

5 snacks I enjoy:
Chips and Salsa
Triscuits (Rosemary and Olive Oil or Cracked Pepper)
Soft Pretzels

5 things I would do if I was a millionaire:
Pay off ALL my debt and loan all of my family and close friends money to pay off their debt without interest rates.
Go on a trip to Europe, Africa, and especially BRAZIL!
Set up savings accounts for myself, my kids, my neices and nephews.
Set up a family reunion fund for all of my brothers, sisters and their kids so that money is no longer an issue for getting together once a year.
AND, since I'm a millionaire I get ONE more...
I would invest a set amount of money into something that I know will acrue over time and then donate the profit to a different chairity WITHIN this country every year. The U.S. needs to help our own lost children, too, you know?

5 places I've lived:
Pocatello, Idaho
Salt Lake City, Utah
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Phoenix, Arizona
more to come, I'm sure

5 jobs I've had:
After School Program teacher for School District 25 and for ISU's Early Learning Center in Pocatello, ID
Great American Vido clerk (first job) in Pocatello, ID
File Clerk for L.D. Fitzgerald, a Bankrupcy lawyer in Poctello, ID
Front Desk clerk and Summer Camp counselor at Snowbird Canyon Racquet Club in SLC, UT
Pottery Barn sales associate in Scottsdale, Arizona

I tag: whoever feels like it.

3 indications that people actually read this blog:

Becky said...

I had no idea that you got fired from your job for coming to Japan! What a self-absorbed brat I was! I am really glad you lost your job and came to Tokyo with me though! I sure loved it!

Stephanie.Fitness said...

Hey, this looks fun and interesting! I'll do it with ya!!

Melissa said...

Okay girl, I obviously would love to hear from you about the last ten years and how you became who you are today. email me or facebook me k?