07 November, 2008

Message from a SAHM

So, I've decided that I am never going to find the time to post seperate entries on all of the pictures we've taken over the last while, and so instead of some clever, witty diddy, you get these. Mosaics. Collages. Snoring, I know! But what else am I gonna do with them except stash them in a photo album and let them collect dust. Besides, after talking with my awesome friend D. extensively about this blogosphere world we live in, I think that what it all boils down to is that my kids are cuter than yours. That's why we blog... to prove just that... only mine are cute, but kinda rotten, in a cute, sweet, I want to rip my eyeballs out kinda way. Eat that you June Cleavers out there (none of you read this blog so that's why I feel comfortable shouting this my fellow blog readers). This message brought to you by the new, improved, and sometimes too brutally honest SAHM (stay at home mom -- for those of you who are retarded). Check it.

7 indications that people actually read this blog:

Stephanie.Fitness said...

Hey, I just left a comment on your last post about ebay stuff! Hope it helps!

mruchti said...

cute collages! are you a closet scrapbooker??

Amber Larsen said...

Nope. Just didn't want to take up a lot of space with 20 different pictures that I never seem to post. I found some collage maker online and just uploaded them to it. Not rocket-science, girl!

Stephanie.Fitness said...

Hey, I'm curious about your collage thing you do online. I'm kinda interested in it. Do mind telling me how ya do it? Thanks!

Kari said...

That is so funny -- sounds just like my grandpa and Hildreth. Sooo...what were called into the office for?? Yeah, the funeral was pretty neat. Mr. Anderson spoke about my grandpa's career. Mr. Hildreth was there too. It was really neat to see them both after all these years. They haven't changed a bit! Still hilarious.

Kari said...

hahaha! I can totally see him thinking that was the best part of his day. You were a little sneaky. Good thing I wasn't with you -- he wouldn't have thought that was so funny. So what other shenanigans did you get into??

Stephanie.Fitness said...

Thanx so much for the website. I immediately put it to use. Haha! Yes, I do quilt all my own stuff. Everything I do is completely homemade and handmade. I sell my burp cloths in a bundle of 4(sometime more or less, depending on how much fabric I have left over) and I roughly sell them around $12 to $15 depending on the type of fabric.