27 June, 2008

On the Potty Train... Again... Woot! Woot!

That's right. I always heard the horror stories about getting your little sugar boogers to use the throne, but I NEVER thought I'd be the one experiencing them. My offspring would be champs at bodily discharge, I thought. WOW! I mean... WOW! I have never been tried so hard as a mother than at this junction in my parenting career. Seriously, how do people go through this 5 and 6 times in their life? Hats off to you, Mom! I think that potty training should be considered the newest and truest form of birth control. I already had Gracie by the time I started having potty regression issues with Phoenix. Then I thought, DAMN! I'm gonna have to go through this all over again! Will I make it? Better yet, will my potty challenged offspring make it? I mean, at times I feel like the Potty Train Express I hopped on is about to blow it's top! Potty Train Express, ha! There's nothing Express about the training of the potty in my house!

I've tried the sticker chart (yawn), the Skittle Jar (over it!), and now have resorted to buying the nasty potty chair that MOMMY gets to clean out every time. You know, it wouldn't be so frustrating had she not already BEEN trained once. Yeah... that train's been broke! Enter baby Grace, Exit big girl Phoenix. Seriously... shoot me now... better yet, throw me off this crazy PeePee train.

2 indications that people actually read this blog:

Anonymous said...

speaking of The Potty Train...


Unknown said...

Try the towel potty training method.