23 August, 2008

Phoenix Conquers the Potty... and Soccer!!!

Nope, hell hasn't frozen over, yet, but Phoenix may have finally accomplished the unthinkable! She has learned to use her potty! Thank you, thank you, but please hold your applause. It was nothing... ha, right! I think we finally just found a good enough appeal for her to actually try to do it. After we promised her a season of soccer if she could make it a month without an awful lot of accidents, her potty training just kinda took off! We convinced her that only big girls can play soccer and "big girls go peepee in the potty, not in their pants!" That's a pretty big catch-phrase in our house. So, now she's got her "fast shoes" and a soccer team to play on all of her own. Here are a few pictures we took at practice this morning to capture the moment!

The organization she plays with is called Soccer Tots. They are very similar to the program I coached for, Lil Kickers, but this one doesn't seem to incorporate the ball quite as much. The kids had a blast, but I think I would have preferred the games to include ball skills and coordination at the same time. Instead, they played with balloons and hula hoops and jumped over noodles, etc. I liked how the curriculum in Lil Kickers used the children's imagination in order to entertain them while using their soccer balls as a tool to discover. But, Phoenix enjoyed her time today at Soccer Tots and that's all that matters.

2 indications that people actually read this blog:

Becky said...

She is the cutest little soccer babe I have ever seen! I love it! She is going to rip up the field someday...and break a lot of boys hearts! :)
I will definitely have to rent "Definitely...Maybe." Thanks for the suggestion. James goes back to Texas in a about a month again, so maybe I will wait until then. We LOVED Dan in real Life. At first we thought it was going to be way slow, but it turned out really great! Have you seen "Star Dust?" I really liked that movie too. IT's a little out there at some parts, but if you haven't seen it, you should give it a go. I love your cute family!

Becky said...

I completely forgot about Anger Management! I have never seen that...I know, a total shocker! I will add that one to the list as well. I just went to Mamma Mia with some friends last Friday. It's one of those that I loved, but could see you hating! :) It's sooo cheesy! But it's got Pierce Brosnan...Heavenly to behold...ohh lala