17 September, 2008

Today was a historic day for our friend, Gavin, not to mention this little family of ours. Gavin became a naturalized citizen of this great United States and we...... dressed up! That' right, don't be alarmed! Your eyes are not deceiving you and you certainly are not on crack (that we know of). Dave is in a suit... no punch line. He's in a suit. And we are all dressed up at the SAME time!!! I honestly think that I can count the number of times we have gotten dressed up together (sadly, our wedding counts). Dave was probably wearing that exact suit for a majority of 'em! So, you can see how this situation SCREAMED photo-op.

It was a great day and I am extremely humbled by the entire experience. I guess that I am just now realizing how for granted I take my being an American citizen. I am so detached from its implications. After sitting down with our friend, Gavin, while he reflected on his six-year journey to citizenship, I realized that I am the worst kind of American, yet probably the most common... the one who lives "it" without understanding what it means. I believe my eyes were opened by this special day. I don't think I'll be doing any marches on Washington or humiliating my political leaders on international tv, but it's nice to know that I can if I want to... without getting axed! [insert drumroll]

By the way, is it totally inappropriate that we gave him a Jeff Foxworthy calendar? We totally wanted to do something profound and patriotic... a copy of the constitution, a Susan B. Anthony coin, you know, something like that. But, somehow we came out with "You Might Be a Redneck If...". Any opinions on this matter? Please tell me we aren't Ugly Americans for that gift!!!

3 indications that people actually read this blog:

Kari said...

That is so cool! Crazy thing, while I was in Utah with Lisa, I got to go to a surprise party for her good friend that just became a citizen too. I love it when people who want to be a part of this great nation, actually do the work it takes to do it right. It makes me proud and happy to welcome them into our country. p.s. I LOVE Jeff Foxworthy. Blue Collar Comedy anyone?

Baby Sheep, aka Patrick Ross Ruchti said...

I think the Foxworthy gift was a great idea. It will give him tips on how to blend (or hide). Not a bad gift at all.

Anonymous said...

Man, have I changed, huh? I'm kind of a bore now! LOL
Seriously, I didn't know that life could be more fulfilling, than being a stay at home mom. I still think about the good old rugby days, but when it comes right down to my happiness,"THIS" is what makes me happy! My kids, my husband! Who know! I'm still in AWE! You were always "cool" as a cat, with your hubby and school, but look at you now! 2 kids and still going strong! I look at the past and everything that was important to me, just flies out the window! I'm so glad we can experiece the same happiness and just GROW UP! I wish you still lived here, cuz I think you and I would get along so much better, than we did in the past. Well, if you're ever around give me ring! I'll drop everything just to see you!