27 August, 2008

Hi, My Name's Chubby!

Is there anything more Awwwwww-provoking, and heart melting, than a picture of a chubby little round-top, squishy-cheeked, chunky-monkey, sweet as honey, mego-leggo, sweetpea-tot? I tell you, I just want to EAT those FAT CHEEKS! She smiles and my whole world lights up! Her beautiful little spirit amazes me.

It brings me back to those good ole' games we used to play as kids with our lips and our faces -- NO, not kissing games! I'm talking about the "chubby" games. Again, NOT what you are thinking! Get your minds on the prize here. The chubby game was when we used to squish our cheeks together [FACE CHEEKS, ShEEEZ!)and say "Hi, my names is Chubby. My momma's chubby, my daddy's chubby, EVEN my dog's chubby..." Man, me and my best girl Bekster used to do that one all the time and it never did get old! We even adapted it once to put crackers in our mouth so that every time we said chubby... blahhh, all over! Then we had the bright idea to write "Chubby" across our face using White-Out! No, we didn't smoke crack, guys! We didn't even know what crack was except for butt-crack... which I have a WHOLE lot of funnies in that there department. But ANYWHO, the facey no-likey-the white-out. After dousing our faces with fingernail polish remover and rubbing alcohol and Ivory soap, we finally had to break down and call my mom and her nurse friend to come save us from ourselves. Red is putting it bleakly as to what our faces looked like after we got Chubby off of them. hahaha! Me loves me...and she!

Gracie has already caught on to the oozing crap outta her chubby cheeks routine and clearly a lot earlier than Bek and I ever did. I'm pretty sure we weren't half as cute doing it, either, but dang that little Butterball can ooze some pretty funky unmentionables out of those good enough to eat cheeks! I love it! It's ingenious. Back off boys, I look cute from the outside, but look at what comes from the inside... blah! spit, spit! Kabloom! ooze, ooze! You've been served! Peace-out, fellas!

1 indications that people actually read this blog:

Becky said...

Oh man the memories. How could we be so stupid, and yet so freaking hilarious?!?!?! I just taught Teagan and Samantha "Chubby" the other day, and they love it! They do it all the time now. Oh boy...what have I done?