16 July, 2008

Phoenix Rose Turns 3!!!

We had a great day today. It started at the butt-crack of dawn because that's what time you have to get up to enjoy the outdoors in this godforsaken place. After a birthday doughnut and mommy's coffee, it was off to the park for an hour of TOYS! For lunch "we" enjoyed Peter Piper Pizza (and by we I mean Phoenix enjoyed)with Ryan and Kyle and Auntie B. We ended the day with yet another round of... what's that? You guessed it, PIZZA!... AND cake, of course! Phoenix got a broomset (my kids gotta carry their own weight early on this family), a laptop (like mommy's), and some bathtub drums! Oh, and I forgot the BEST one! Her very first pair of PUMAs!!! We promised her if she got potty trained then we would sign her up for a new soccer team in August. And guess what... oooooh yeah! I made it... or I mean SHE made it! (but really, I made it).

<== What a couple of CHEESEBALLS!!!

I really did mean to make a super special cake, but in the end... this! Maybe next year, girlfriend!

I swear that Phoenix's eyes get more and more piercing each and everyday!

I glance at these pictures I took of the girls today and I am amazed that I wasn't able to see how identical they look until now!!! Everyone said it, but I just couldn't really SEE it until I put their photos next to each other on this blog! Wow!

And here is Phoenix's "Mini-Me"

Man, I could use a haircut... and a less cheesy smile. I look like I belong in Austin Powers. But this is the only pic we got of me, so let me just say I think you're shagadelic, baby!

2 indications that people actually read this blog:

Becky said...

Happy Birthday Phoenix! Your girls are so beautiful, Amber. I can't believe how fast they are growing up! They are so cute and look so happy! Awesome bday presents by the way! Teagan's is next Sunday...He is going to be 7 already. Time flies!

Anonymous said...

So, I was sitting at the computer with my daughter in my lap when she says to me, "Mommy, type my name in there (Google)." So, we 'googled' her name (Phoenix Rose Larson) and came up with your page. I had to comment because normally I hear that her name is "so unusual!" Anyway, your daughter is darling. Best of luck!
(Another Phoenix Rose's mom)