09 July, 2008

Casper May Be Living In My House

So, I'm not sure what any of you think about spirits or ghosts, but I have unfortunately been forced to answer that question as of late. You see, when you have a crazy, voo-doo sister-in-law (and I mean that in the kindest, most loving context) living next door (actually on the other side of the wall -- it's a duplex), you can't help but worry about what effect that may have on you. She reads Tarot cards, which isn't a huge deal, except that every time I go to her house she has a new book on astrology, tarot, and as of late WITCHCRAFT. She makes medicine bags full of different herbs that supposedly help with different problems. She burns her candles to channel energy and inscents to... I don't know... whatever inscents are meant to do. She asks her magic eight ball about important life decisions and has 3 different sets of Tarot. When she moved into the house she had a sayonce...... okay, okay, there was no sayonce, but the rest is true. She moved into the other side of our duplex about a year ago and when she did she said that she believed there was a spirit living in her house. Later, she found Tarot, astrology, and all the other wack-o, shmack-o stuff aforementioned.

So, onto me. My daughter is paranoid about this "bad guy" that lives in her room. At first we thought it was her imagination. Now, I'm starting to wonder if it may be more. Recently, she has been getting more and more scared of being alone in her room, especially if it is too dark. She no longer plays under her bed (where the bad guy supposedly is). The other day she said to me that she was ready to take her nap, but a few seconds later she came out and slammed the door behind her stating that she no longer wanted the nap. When I made her lay down in her bed with the door wide open, she screamed for 20 minutes until I thought she was having a panic attack. I thought she was possibly just trying to get out of the nap, so I thought I'd test her to see, just in case. I told her she could sleep on my bed, but if she started messing around then it was straight to her room. She layed in my room and was out within a couple of minutes. I was sick to my stomach. What if there is more to this bad guy thing than we'd like to believe? I have to say, I'm a little unnerved.

2 indications that people actually read this blog:

Anonymous said...

WOW that's crazy, remind not to sleep at your house....lol! They do say kids are sensitive and came pick up vibes like that. I would get that checked out..... So who you gonna call-----> GHOSTBUSTERS =)

Sung Yun said...

I think this is very very serious, and it is quite upsetting. I don't doubt that there is an evil spirit there in your daughter's room, especially if your sister-in-law is dabbling in seances and tarot card readings. I used to do that kind of stuff (although I have never participated in a seance-that was too scary for me). It says in Deutoronomy 18:10 not to get involved in witchcraft, seances, palm reading, tarot cards, horoscopes and all that stuff. It taps into a world that is very supernaturally powerful and evil. I think there is a spiritual battle going down in your home. It might be time to have a very serious talk with your sister-in-law about the consequences of her activities. Three years ago, I met this medium while I was on vacation. We took a shuttle together, and I was really terrified of her son, who was about 5 or 6, and he seemed like he was possessed by demons. He kept making these really scary sounds and faces. I have no doubt that it was linked to the supernatural activity his mom was engaging in. I wasn't even a Christian at the time and it still really weirded me out. You should listen to Jentezen Franklin give a talk with this exorcist Bob Larson. He talks about the dangers of evil spirits and supernatural activity-from Harry Potter and Dungeons and Dragons to ouiji boards and seances. You never know who you are contacting or what that source is coming from. Remember, if it is not of GOD, you know where it's coming from. I do apologize if this comment is a little intense, but I think if your daughter is that scared this is something to take VERY very seriously. I will pray for your family, your daughter, and your home to be cleansed of evil/unnatural spirits. Keep praying to God about what to do about this situation as well. Remember, you all belong to God, and the Devil wants to take a hold in your house. If your sister-in-law is a Christian (which I doubt) please appeal to her senses. And do it for the sake of your daughter.